We have 2 locations for this show.
June 15th to 17th 2017
at Sara Japanese Pottery
950 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10021
June 15th to 30th 2017
at SANNGA Project @ DAIICHI Arts
18 E 64th Street New York, NY 10065
*15th to 21st everyday 12pm to 6pm,
22nd to 30th by appointment.
Please call (516) 727-6131 Nana Yamasaki
or sannga@yamma.jp
Visiting Malcolm Wright Studio
April 30th, Sunday.
I left my house early in the morning to see Malcolm. I picked up Nana-san, president of Yamma, a Japanese clothing company, and we took the three hour trip. Passing through the stunning spring parkway, we arrived at Malcolm Wright's home a little after 10AM as planned. Marji, Malcolm's wife, came out to greet us, delighted, it had been a long while since we last met. I introduced Nana-san, and we went straight to the studio.
The pieces unglaze-fired with slip that he'd shown us last year were interesting. There were also several pieces carefully numbered for testing.
We were there to see the full collection of Malcolm Wright pieces in his main room.
His work was divided into periods: before Japan, during Japan, after Japan, and we viewed them in order.
There were many pieces that were expressive of Karastu appearance, decoration, foot, and texture that is so beautifully displayed in a subtle manner.
Malcolm, now 78 years old, and Marji, his wife, have decided to retire and move farther north, still thinking of the fun and excitement of the future. To us, we're sad hear this, but it's a decision they've made and there's nothing we can do to stop them.
A considerable volume of work in his house and studio, by the end of the summer it must all go. It's the reason for us coming to see his works for a full collection show.
Pre-Japan, in-Japan, after-Japan works, any and all of them are magnificent. Each period has its own character and are unmistakably a work by Malcolm Wright. In supporting his works over a long time, we are deeply moved.
While dining over Marji's homemade meal, we heard many stories - Washington times, Kyoto days, his Karatu apprenticeship - many things we've never heard before.
Please be informed, in June, we'll be showing each period of the great ceramicist, Malcolm Wright's, works - his lifetime - to all of our guests.
Visiting Malcolm Wright Studio
4月30日 日曜日。
マルコムに会いに早朝 家を出た。
ヤンマ産業の 社長 ナナさんを駅でピックアップして 約3時間のドライブ。
美しい春のパークウエイを抜けて、予定通り10時過ぎにマルコム ライト邸に到着。
奥さんのマージも出迎えてくれて 久々の再会を喜んだ。ナナさんを紹介して、早速スタジオの中へ。
去年も見せてもらった 焼締の器にスリップをかけた作品が面白い。
今回の目的である マルコム ライト集大成の作品を母屋で拝見。
唐津時代の作品はなんとも味わいのあるものばかり。風合い、絵付け、高台、窯傷までが美しく その存在を静かに主張している。
プリジャパン、インジャパン、アフタージャパン と分けられた作品グループのどれをとっても素晴らしい。時代それぞれに個性があるが、どれも紛れもなくマルコムライトの作品然としていて、長く見守って来た僕らにとっては感慨深いものがある。
6月には各時代の作品とともにひとりの偉大な陶芸家マルコム ライトの半生を皆さんに知って頂きたい。